New Students are required to finish

the Summer Assignment

by Day 1 of class.

  5/16/16 Wrap Up 
  1) Make sure you bring your books back immediately.  Also, any remaining fees for the DC trip are due. Bring a

        flashdrive if you want copies of the trip pictures. 

  05/04/16  Exam Review

    1) Here are some additional Exam Resources:

    Practice Test #1     Answers #1      Practice Test #2    Answers #2   Practice Test #3   Answers #3

                                    Glossary of Key Terms        (Brief definitions worth remembering)

    2) Read this great description of Campaign Financing. and limits.

    3) Sarah found a nice source of multiple choice questions to practice your AP GOV skills!

    4) Be aware the updated pricing works out to $278/ person with 6 students going for the Lodging and transportation

        portions of the trip.  This was a little more than expected so be sure you have this plus at least $50 for remaining

        tickets and food, minimum. 


  05/04/16  Review​ 

    1)  Study the vocabulary on the following review pages. If you're name in not linked, you won a donut. The in class

        test is on Friday.  I will count that as a major in class test.  Study hard!

          Unit 1                 Unit 2                Unit 3               Unit 4A             Unit 4B               Unit 5             Unit 6
         Sarah                 Jamie                 Ruby                Devin                Korsei                 Tyler             Jasmine

         Terms                Terms                Terms              Terms             Terms                 Terms           Terms   

    2) If any of you are brave enough, the CSPAN call in show for AP GOVT this year is this Saturday! Someone should

       call  this Saturday, May 7 from 9:15 - 10:00am ET for their annual program on A.P. Government and Politics.    

       They will discuss the exam, preview sample questions, and make suggestions as to what students should be

       studying. I'd call myself but phone lines will be open to students only.  You need not "shout-out" my name,

       especially if you are going to ask if Ted Cruz is the Zodiac Killer.
                                   202-748-8000 Eastern/Central 

                                   202-748-8001 Mountain/Pacific

        Students can also Tweet their questions using the hashtag #APCram4Ex or email

    3) Check out this hilarious exchange between Cruz and some angry Trumpies. Reminds me of rule #1 of trial

       advocacy: Don't ask a question you don't already know the answer to.

   5/02/16 Review

    1) The proposed itinerary for the DC trip is here.

    2) Complete your assigned section of review and e-mail me the quizlet for that unit by Wednesday.

  4/26/16 Review Activities

     1) Please check out the following links and have the Unit Reviews finished.  I have attached more resources below

       and will share additional ones you if you find any online that can help your peers.  I am open to suggestions about

        what works best but recognize several of you have not kept up with reading and study.  I am sure this sounds odd

        but I feel I am serving you poorly if I allow you to settle for the minimum effort.  You have 2 classes left. Get Er Dun.

             AP GOV Exam 2008 with answers              AP GOV Exam 1999 with Answers            142 Page Guide

    2) Don't forget to bring your trip financing by Friday.  And your study Guides!

  4/21/16 Review Activities

    1) Finish the 7 Unit guides given on 4/15.  Each is due for a test grade by 5/9/16 with no excuses.  You should bring in

       another set or two completed by next class.  With only 2 more classes before the start of AP Exams, time is ticking.

    2) Mr. O'Neil from Mallard Creek has shared the following resources.  82 page guide    100 Essential Terms

       Internet Links

       AP GOVT Survival Weebly Course Review Materials

       US GOVT Flashcard for Exam Review

       AP GOVT Exam tips (6:27) Video 

       AP GOVT Review Video in 75 Mins

       Mr. F's AP GOVT Exam Prep Webpage

       AP GOPVT Test Prep Site

       AP GOVT C-Span Review Video (40:00)

       AP GOVT C-Span Cram Review Video (35::00)

       AP Govt Exam Info from College Board

  4/19/16 Public Policy and Review Worksheets

    1) Watch the following videos discussing policy implications on economic policy, environmental policy,
       foreign policy, and domestic health policy.  

    2) Continue to work on your review terms/bubbles.  Read the Policy chapter guide here.

    3) Know the material on it for the test next class.

  4/15/16  Public Policy and Review Worksheets

    1) Finish defining all terms on Public Policy. (Both Columns and all short answer questions) 

    2) Study for the test on Public Policy.  Test Questions come from the terms and questions on Unit 6.

    3) Begin completing the vocabulary on the following review pages.  Make flashcards for each term!

          Unit 1                 Unit 2                Unit 3               Unit 4A             Unit 4B               Unit 5             Unit 6

         Sarah                 Jamie                 Ruby                Devin                Korsei                 Tyler             Jasmine

    4) This NYT article  provides an insightful short commentary on war policy in Afghanistan.

  4/13/16  Public Policy

    1) Complete the first column of Public Policy terms  and answer the open ended questions on the handout.

    2) Read pages 239-244 in the Fast Track to a 5 Study Guide.  Or you could read the chapter in the textbook

        on Federal Policy Making.  Either way, read and know the terms.

  4/7/16 Civil Rights

    1) Complete this delightful and lighthearted matching activity for Chapter 6 Civil Rights.

    2) Complete these questions regarding charts from Chapter 6.

    3) Study for the TEST on Civil Rights which will be given next class, on MONDAY.  Know the notes and Ch. 6!

    4) Complete the attached forms for the DC Trip on 5/12 to 5/15. I need these on Monday!

  4/5/16 Civil Rights

    1) Finish defining the following terms for Civil Rights.

    2) Watch the documentary on Civil Rights.  Write 15 questions about the documentary that match the

        content in the movie.

    3) Have fun with these delightful Literacy tests from Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia or Mississippi.

       A video showing Harvard students struggling with basic literacy test skills can be found here. Perhaps Ivy

       League students are unworthy of suffrage.

    4) Gov. McCrory promoted a state employee pay increase to make up for inflation over the past two years,

       What are the political ramifications of this plan? What impact will it have on the electorate?  Why

       might the Governor have announced this plan now? 


  3/24/16 Civil Rights (Spring Break)

    1) Complete the "questions to consider" on Civil Rights after reading chapter 6 in your textbook. (pgs.157-158)

    2) Check out this amazing AP Govt resource site.

  3/22/16 Civil Rights

    1) No homework although a couple really amusing videos to watch.  Video #1  Video #2

  3/18/16 Civil Rights

    1) Finish the reading from the guide on Civil Rights given out in class.  Define the vocabulary in the box at the end of

       the reading.

    2) If you have misplaced the reading, you may read the textbook chapter on civil rights instead.  If you chose to read

       your textbook instead, answer the questions and define the vocabulary at the end of the chapter AND in the review        guide that accompanies your text.

    3) My thanks to Jasmine for not poisoning me at lunch on Saturday.  My wife actually found her charming.  Go figure....

  3/17/16  Just for fun...

   1)  Check out this hilarious Hamilton comparison to Trump.  (Thanks to another teaching friend EB) And yes, it

      deserves its own post.

   2) I am starting to feel badly for Donald J. Trump.  The NYT offered this somewhat surprising quiz about his quotes.

   3/16/16 Judiciary Test

    1) Read this INCREDIBLE guide.  Let me know if you like it. It took some work to get it and I'd really appreciate you

        reading it.  If you like it, we'll use more of it. Test on Friday so study the cases, vocabulary and concepts

        in the powerpoint.

    2) This test will be the last of the 3rd Quarter andI'll weigh it heavily to help.  Grades are loaded so check your

       3rd Qtr. average and see me with concerns.  If you want extra credit for the Spring Break, we can discuss it.

  3/15/16 Swing State Primaries

    1) Just an odd thought... you are the rare group of seniors who will be able to vote in your senior year.  Put

       another way, no other class currently in high school, including Baby Trump will have that luxury when turning

       18.   I admire that so many of you have exercised it when your peers vote at a rate lower than 3%.  The

       only time similar numbers of young people voted  in numbers, was 2008. That year, the only group in NC

       which voted Democratic was the under 30 vote.  They managed to carry the state for Obama by the

       slimmest of margins.  It has led the GOP to  subsequently institute tighter voting restrictions, voter ID laws

        and cutting early voting times in an effort to protect their demographic edge amongst established voters. 

       Sadly, as Sarah noted, Senator Burr was prevented from voting during the primaries when he tried to

       vote this past week. So was at least one of the three teachers who tried to early vote who I asked.   If you don't

       think it matters, there is tangible proof that the pendulum has swung way past imaginary voter fraud to begin

       creating significant hurdles for many voters, perhaps tens of thousands...  Senator Burr is an icon of NC!!!


       Onto the Primary Predictions which I wanted to post before the polls opened:

               Mr. Vitale       Sarah       Devyn       Tyler       Korsei       Jasmine    Jamie       Wyeth       Ruby       Baby Trump

Ohio R Kasich           Kasich      Kasich      Cruz         Kasich     Trump         Cruz          Kasiach      Trump    Trump

Ohio D-  Hillary           Hillary      Sanders   Sanders  Sanders   Sanders    Hillary        Hillary        Hillary    Trump 

FL- R-    Trump           Trump      Trump     Trump     Trump     Trump        Trump        Rubio         Cruz       Trump

FL D-      Hillary           Hillary      Hillary      Hillary      Hillary     Hillary         Hillary       Sanders     Hillary    Trump

NC R-     Trump          Trump       Cruz        Cruz          Trump     Cruz            Trump        Trump      Trump    Trump

NC D-     Hillary           Sanders   Hillary     Sanders   Sanders  Sanders      Sanders     Hillary      Sanders Trump 

IL R-       Trump           Trump      Trump     Kasich     Trump      Kasich         Cruz            Cruz          Rubio     Trump

IL D-       Sanders        Sanders   Hillary     Hillary      Hillary      Hillary         Sanders     Hillary       Hillary    Trump 

MO R-    Cruz               Trump     Trump     Trump      Trump      Trump        Trump        Trump      Trump    Trump

MO D-   Sanders        Hillary      Hillary     Hillary      Hillary      Sanders      Hillary        Sanders    Hillary    Trump

Wins         7/10           8/10         8/10       5/10           8/10        4/10            6/10             6/10          6/10        4/10


     If everyone is right about the election results in Florida, and most of the class is right about Ohio, look for Rubio

     bailing out of the race announcement in the next week.  Who does that benefit?  ... Special K?  Also, watch the

     voting results in Ohio and Illinois where open primaries allow Democrats to cross party lines and vote against the  

      Trump phenomenon. My prediction is that the same trend started in Michigan will continue, helping GOP vote totals

      as more experienced voters cast strategic ballots against Trump rather than for Hillary or Bernie.  I cannot be

      the only one wondering why many Democrats are voting Republican. Like Occem's Razor, It's unlikely such

      strategic voters found conservative salvation on the eve of the election- not in such numbers or so quickly.

      Bernie should win at least 2 states tonight among  (IL, OH, MO) but he falls further behind in delegates given the
       proportional nature of the Democrats allocation.  If he does not, he is in serious trouble (but still lovable).

  3/14/16 Judiciary

    1) Finish all the questions in the packet for the Judiciary chapter.

    2) Make sure you e-mail me a copy of your request to the candidate for literature, signs, etc. 

    3) Make a trapezoidal chart listing the checks and balances of the Judicial, Legislative, Executive and  Bureaucracy

       on each other. Make sure you can list at least 3 checks for any "branch" on another "branch".

    4) Watch the outcome of the big swing states, particularly winner take all Florida and Ohio.

    5) Complete the online quiz at quizlet:  HERE.

  3/10/16 Judiciary

    1) Finish reading the Judiciary Chapter and answer the following questions.  1-25 Multiple Choice only please!

    2) Watch the following videos and outline them.  I am sorry for all the basketball jokes... still great info!

         4.16 Intro to the Judiciary       4.17 Activity of the Judiciary       4.18 Federal Court Jurisdiction    

         4.19 Supreme Court Case Selection        4.20 Supreme Court In Action   

                              4.22 Sup. Ct. and Public Opinion                 4.23 Judicial Policy

    3) The powerpoint used in class is uploaded here.  Note there are 11 Circuit Courts and 2 Add'l Fed. Appellate Courts.

    4) A quick guide to the Mecklenburg elections is here.  Vote early and often.

    5) Congratulations to Bernie Sanders on his success in Michigan.  I think some of his success can be attributed to

        his stand against free-trade in hard hit Industrial Michigan but not mentioned in the national press was the

       Democrat's ability to vote across party lines as an open primary.  Basically, I think some democrats crossed party

        lines to vote in a strategic manner . We will know when the closed primaries of Maryland, NY, NJ,

       Delaware and Pennsylvania come up in April and only Democrats can vote for Democrats. 

  3/8/16 Judiciary

    1) Order a sign or pamphlet from your chosen presidential candidate.  The first to receive their candidate's letter wins.

    2) Finish the matching activity using Judiciary terms.

    3) Watch the following videos and complete this handout questions.

    4) Read the  following article and it's ideological rebuttal.  Which makes better points?  Come in prepared to discuss.

       Really, come having read and thought about both author's points.

  3/4/16 Judiciary

    1) Please read the chapter on the Judiciary. Create an outline for the chapter.

    2) Read the following article.   

    3) I know I promised you a reward. I am sure you will like the test scores for the last chapter.

  3/2/2016 Bureaucracy

    1) Outline the following sections for the test: 4.13 Intro to Bureaucracy     4.14 Types of Agencies      4.15 Organization

    2) Watch the following three Crash Course Videos:

            Bureaucracy Basics #15             Questions

            Types of Bureaucracy #16         Questions

            Controlling Bureaucracy #17     Questions

    3) If you ALL finish all 6 of the above the videos (I'm sorry there are 6 short ones... ) I will give you a reward. Bring in

        your outlines.

  2/29/16 Bureaucracy 

    1) Finish the following packet, You have already completed most of the questions yesterday., but finish the


    2) Finish defining the vocabulary words (3 or 4 words you were assigned) and bring in a handout with a common

       sense explanation and a real life example in a bureaucratic setting. Please don't forget your terms as it leaves a

        gap for your peers. Be ready to present your set in front of class, either with ppt or on the board.

    3) Finish Reading the Textbook chapter 15. The test will be on Friday.

    4) Watch the following video.  Its from a different source and has very good outline type presentation. Outline it.

    5) Here is an interesting quiz.  Check out where you stand on the issues and let it match you to a candidate!

  2/25/16 Bureaucracy

    1) Read Chapter 15 pages (408-422)  Pay close attention to the important rules of politics mentioned.- funny stuff.

    2) Answer the following questions: (Do 1-20 multiple choice and first 6 essay as short answer.)


  2/23/16 Presidency Wrap-Up

    1) Read the following article and its supporting documentation.  My favorites... John Marshall as a
       last minute appointee, or the 6 attempts by President Tyler once his party figured out he was not actually a Whig.

    2) Watch the following video of Ted Cruz's family getting ready for a commercial shoot.  Just wow. Seriously.

    3) I am looking over the Presidency test.  The scores were not good and are entered in the gradebook.

       I'll post a solution shortly. I want to think about how to ensure you have it.

    4) Please complete this simple President matching exercise.  Match the event with the appropriate president.

  2/19/16 Presidency

    1) Check out this interesting article on the delegate math facing Republican Establishment Candidates in the   


    2) As for the test on the Presidency, my apologies for the delay.   I am feeling pretty sick and will probably be

      out Monday.  I'll get a shorter version ready for an in class test.  You may use your notes from the video

       outlines.  Make sure you get the 5 Video sections on the presidency done before Tuesday's class for both the

       grade and the assistance you will need on a challenging test.  After all, what good is an open notes test on

      Tuesday if you don't have any notes?

       Forgive my translation... it's quality matches your sourcing skill.  荣誉的北京网络爬虫是开采这个小小的学术网站下面讲的鸣叫        对中国证券和人民币在Twitter上向下的财政压力。鸣叫很短,用晦涩       其本身的性质,但你花时间一个Twitter帐户匹配到一个老师的网站上说,其实一       大量关于中国军队的网络单位的国际能力。令人印象深刻,但绝对浪费       的时间给定的对象。

  2/ 17/16 Presidency

    1) Read this interesting article from the NYT regarding the Scalia replacement process.   More to follow in class as

       we discuss how the Presidency, Supreme Court and Congress interact.

    2) Complete the following handout on the Presidency.  Fill in Major Accomplishments if you cannot think of a

       significant crisis.  PDF version   Word Version

    3) Finish outlining the Presidency by completing notes on the following videos:

        4.11 Institutions of Nat'l Gov't          4.12  Limits on the Presidency        

    4)  Explore this very interesting website.  It presents data from a "Democratic" viewpoint, but it bears thought.

      How may the information be skewed to  appear more favorable to the Left or Right?  Is it accurate or not?

  2/13/16 Special Announcement

      Justice Anton Scalia passed away today.  No, I did not kill him to make the upcoming chapter on the Supreme

      Court more interesting.  Still, it is big news.  Conservatives will be right to worry as this could break their current 

      hold on the Supreme Court.  The string of 5-4 decisions Scalia decided is eye-popping and includes the 

      Bush v. Gore in 2000.  His famous repeated line- "Get over it" highlights a scorched earth policy he adopted

      toward Progressives. He is famous for making controversial statements including questioning the fitness of

      black college students at elite universities and decrying Gay marriage and Obamacare. A clever video that

     demonstrates his unusually fiery legal language can be seen here- strong words for a Justice indicate his

     passion but also a willingness to mix politics and the law.  Few justices have historically participated so openly in 

     partisan affairs. 


      Given his partisanship and passion, you can guess why his replacement's appointment will not be quick.  The GOP 

      controls the Senate and will play for time in the hopes of forcing a moderate to the bench or as Cruz suggested,

      letting the next President pick him.  Watch for delaying tactics in subcommittee, standing committee and on the

      Senate floor. Although The chances of delaying the next appointment until November (over 250 days) should be

      small considering how long it took to confirm current justices: 
           Elena Kagan: 87 days
           Sonia Sotomayor: 72 days
           Samuel Alito: 92 days
           John Roberts: 72 days
           Stephen Breyer: 77 days

           Ruth Bader Ginsburg: 50 days (Least)
           Clarence Thomas: 106 days  (Most)
           Anthony Kennedy: 84 days

      such tactics will force Obama to chose a moderate if he wants to cement his legacy and remove an incentive

      which could galvanize Conservative voters in 2016. This replacement could be a big change, and Republicans

      are going to fight hard to salvage the situation, including bending the accepted rules of nomination last

      established informally under LBJ when it was ruled a Justice's appointment would be put off if it was in the last 6

     months of a President's administration.  After all, the last 7 years have been a study in gridlock, so what's another 9

      months in pursuit of  ideological victory.   The senate judiciary committee is already sitting on dozens of  

      lower court appointments long overdue. 

      I would not be surprised if Obama chooses a candidate from a demographic coveted by Republican strategists or

     who seemingly possesses a Conservative pedigree to try and break the coming deadlock. ("A wolf in sheep's

      clothing") Afterall, Scalia is on record as seeking the appointment of a more diverse court and a candidate like Sri

      Srinivasan of the DC Circuit would put pressure on the GOP to give her a fair hearing.  The risk for Democrats

      would then be that the appointee is like Justice Kennedy or O'Connor who occasionally switched sides

      depending on the case.  Alternatively, if Obama knows the GOP will only obstruct, he can offer up a sacrificial lamb

      liberal  nominee with no chance of confirmation so that a more serious candidate can be offered up later.

      An example might be Loretta Lynch, an African-American woman very unpopular with Republicans.

      Although condolences are in order for the Scalia family,  any comments to that effect are just lip service.

      This is proving to be an amazing year for AP Government, eh?       I'll guess this comes up in the Republican

      debate tonight  in the context of: "You need to vote for "ME" to prevent the Democrats from replacing Scalia

      because the stakes are so high."  Watch and see.  (Footnote- Cruz's willingness to obfuscate history is a bit scary.

      He blatantly fabricated a rule when implying a historical precedent exists for blocking an appointment in the

      last full year of a president's term.  Neither I, your textbook, or any of my colleagues are aware of such, & despite

     Cruz's tenure on the Judiciary committee, I openly question either his ethics or his factual basis, or both.) Sadly, the

      GOP and Democratic spin machines will try to torture the historical record to make it seem their actions are


  2/12/16 Presidency

    1) Complete the Chapter 14 Reading.

    2) Finish the Congress Retest (Take Home).  No Excuses.

    3) Begin working on the outline for the Presidency by watching the following 3 videos and write out a guide.

         Powers of the President         Roles of Pres.    Pres. Cabinet 

    4) Check out this PBS website with information on the platform of each candidate as well as other issues.

    5) For any student who missed class today, watch this video and answer these questions.

  2/10/16 Presidency and Congress Retest

    1) Finish the Presidential Packet and Congressional Retest.  Links are directly below.

    2) Browse through the following powerpoint if you have a chance.  It covers what we'll discuss in class.

  2/8/16 Presidency and Congress Retest

    1) Finish the Chapter 14 Reading and Packet 1& 2.

    2) Please finish the following Take Home Assignment on Congress by Friday for a test grade.

    3) Watch the following video on the Presidency (part 2) and complete 10 more study questions based on the video.

  2/4/16- The Presidency (Chapter 14)

    1) Read pages 364-388 in the Wilson Text. (Chapter 14)  Answer the following questions and define
       the following terms.

    2) Watch the following Crash Course video on the role of the Presidency and create a study guide by writing

       at least 10 questions from the video.

    3) Enjoy this article about Dick Tuck, the most famous political operative of the Nixon Era. I can honestly say he is

        one of only a few American heroes I truly respect and revere, albeit for the wrong reasons.

    4) Quote of the day- Explain: "The people of Iowa pick corn.  The people of New Hampshire pick presidents"
       What does this say about the electorates of Iowa and N.H. and the temperament of the USA itself?

  2/2/16 Congress Wrap up for Test

    1A) This is too funny.  Check out this hilarious trick Rubio supporters allegedly played on Bush last night.

          I love the part when some guy interrupts JEB! and demands to be paid 2 hours into the rally.

    1B)  Watch the following videos and  make an outline for each that is based on you watching each video. 
        An outline that does not reflect the videos will not be permitted to be used for the test next class. Note some
         of these 7 videos are really short (2-3) minutes. and none more than 9 minutes.

       Congress,              Congress 4.2,            Congress 4.3,             Congress 4.4,              Congress 4.5 

       Congress 4.6,       Congress 4.7 

    2) Fill out a NC Voter Registration Form.

    3) Read the following article regarding the Iowa Caucus. Be ready to answer who will win in N.H. and why.

  1/29/16   Congress

    1) Please read the following series of articles on the Filibuster, Cloture and the Nuclear Option and consider how
      it affected the ability of the Party in power to assist the Presidency on Appointments, and legislative initiatives.

    2) Watch the following 4 videos on Congress at the Crash Course website and answer the questions for each.

       Videos- Congress    Congressional Elections,   Congressional Committees, Congressional Leadership and How a

        Bill becomes Law   and the  Questions for the above 4 videos

    3) Download/Create a GOOD Outline of Ch 13 and HIGHLIGHT the key terms.   A sample video outline looks like this.

  1/27/16 Congress

  1) Finish the packet for Chap. 13. No excuses. 

  2) Watch the following video assignment  about Congress and complete its questions. Hint, Congressman Weiner is
       in rare form in one clip.  You'll love the rider attached to the  9/11 responder vote.

  3) Watch the final Republican Debate, perhaps without Trump, -gasp-.

  4) Powerpoint for Congress #1  Enjoy.

  1/20/16 Congress

    1) In the likely event of an "Ice Day" on Friday, finish reading chapter 13 (Congress) and answer the

        following questions on the packet.  You will have 5 days so it should give you enough time. Start early because

        there are a ton of 'em.  For the essay prompts at the end, just give short answers.

    2) Practice the attached Quizlet "test" to see how well you know the terms. (Optional)

    3) Be ready for the big Kahoot! next class. A bonus to your homework grade if you can beat Sarah!

  1/14/16 Congress!

  1) Read the Text, chapter 13 pgs. 326-342.  Answer the questions which apply on the Assignment. Quiz on Wed!

  2) Read the following study on inequality by the Federal Reserve.  It comes to some disturbing conclusions on Race

      and education.

  3) Enjoy MLK Day.  If you are fortunate, Ben Carson can visit our  class and replicate this priceless moment.


  1) Study for the Midterm.  You can refer to the study guide and check out the following websites with midterm

      and overall test prep.  A third option has sample questions. Don't forget to bring in your balloon(s) with any ideas

      on it the day of the test.

  2) I have also linked the following Crash Course videos which we have already covered:

  Introduction,       Separation of powers,  Federalism,    Const. Compromises,    Congressional Elections,   Civil Rights,

   Freedom of Religion,    Freedom of Speech,   Shaping Public Opinion,      Election Basics,    Gerrymandering,    

  How voters decide,   Political Campaigns,   Party Systems,   Interest Groups

  1/8/2016 Midterm Review

    1) Study for the midterm exam.  Seriously.  Look over the chapter assignments and use your Fast Track to a 5 Study


    2) Write a letter to an elected official expressing concern, approval, outrage or a questions.  This is a

        mandatory assignment.  I have posted Devin's letter here.

    3) Just for fun, try getting as many people as possible to sign the following petition to END Women's  Suffrage.

  Welcome Back!  1/5/2016

    1) Read the article at the following site about the dispute between the Gov. of Michigan and municipalities.

    2) Read Rick's response as to why he needs to take control of troubled localities. Please write a letter with any

       questions you have of the Michigan Governor.  We will send them in class on Thursday so come prepared.

    3) Make sure all your terms are defined and ready to go for Thursday's review.  Please dress warmly as I'd like to try

        an outside activity if its reasonably warm.

    4) In case you wanted to watch an update on the Rachel Maddow video about Flint water, click here. Interesting.

  Holiday Break!!!

   1) Study for Midterm test.  Do so by finishing this study guide... no excuses PLEASE!!!!

   2) Have a great holiday break!

  12/14/15 The Media

    1) Finish reading the rest of Chapter 12 on the Media.  Complete the matching assignment given out in class.

    2) Finish the thank you card for Bill (Jilly) Allmond so we can send them on Wednesday.

    3) Finish your social media site for our imaginary candidate.  Make it funny if you can.

 12/10/15 The Media

    1) Read Chapter 12 on the Media and answer these questions. Write the page number you found the answer to

    each answer on.

    2) We will create a social media page on Twitter, Facebook(Jamie) , Instagram (Korsei) , Pintrest (Jasmine), Tumblr

       (Jordan)   and Linked (Dev/Sarah) for our little known Candidate for President: Mr Manne.

    3) Bring in the list of how SOCMA would accomplish the seven key functions of an interest group as listed in the Ch.

        11 Study guide.  Please ensure you have it!

 12/08/15 Interest Groups and the Media

    1) Read the Study guide for chapter 11 and focus on the activities of Interest Groups (Pgs. 156-158)

    2) Come up with at least 5 questions for SOCMA lobbyist phone call next class. 

    3) Also, give an example of how  SOCMA could implement each listed activity. There are 7 activities... give examples.

    4) Begin reading the Chapter on Media (12) pgs. 199-204. 

    5) Apologies for a 5th point, but take a look at this inventive case in front of the Supreme Court.  If allowed, it

        would completely reshape who is a voter in favor of a Republican definition.... like voter ID, redistricting, etc.  Is

        there no end to the lengths we will go for partisan advantage?

  12/04/15  Interest Groups

    1) Finish Chapter 11 and know the following information for the test on Tuesday.

    2) Watch the remainder of the "Obama's Deal" Video.  It's a great analysis of how Interest Groups work.

    3) Read "The Operator" article about the powerful lobbyist for Healthcare.  Also, Read and evaluate the comments.

    4) Think about possible questions for our coming conference call with Jordan's Uncle, a lobbyist with SOCMA.

  12/02/15 - Interest Groups

    1) Read Chapter 11 (Pgs. 280- 290)

    2) Read the NYT Article attached here about Trump's Impact on the Republican Party.

    3) Watch the attached short videos and complete the questions attached at the following textbook site.

  11/30/15 - Interest Groups

    1) Read the first 1/3 of Chapter 11 (Pgs. 270-280)  Copy at least 10 key ideas down so we can talk about what's

      important on Wednesday. Please read the smaller passage!

    2) Read the NYT article "A Wealthy Governor and His Friends are Remaking Illinois" and answer the following.

    3) Is it wrong to hope for something entertaining from the ship of fools running for high office on either side?

  11/23/15 - Elections and Campaigns and What's next...

    1) Finish studying chapter 10 for the test on Monday. Although postponed, it is still lurking.

    2)Enjoy this amusing Saturday Night Live Video. Interesting to see so many political and societal references.

    3) A lot going on in the news... stay alert. The Russian jet downing is big news and will complicate Syria/ISIS.
       Although Russian planes have repeatedly violated NATO warspace in the past year, this is the first time a US ally

      has shot one down and Putin isnt known for letting it slide.  Also, collect a list of Carsonism's/Trumpisms.
 Prize to the best list!

    4) Enjoy the Break! Like this girl Star Wars and Thanksgiving combined!

  11/19/15- Elections and Campaigns (Chapter 10)

    1) Finish the remaining questions and define the remaining vocabulary on your Chapter 10 Study Guidse

    2) For Extra Credit, complete the following chapter review material.  It will help with the  Ch. 10 TEST on MONDAY!

    3) Review the following matching activity from chapter 10.  Perhaps you'll see it again...

    4) On a related note, TEST on chapter 10 on Monday.  Feel free to check out the following Powerpoint.

  11/17/15 Elections and Campaigns (Chapter 10)

    1) Read Chapter 10 in the textbook.  Answer the following questions.  Only the 1st 10 questions and first 10

       vocabulary are required for Thursday's class.

    2) Read the following article about Obama's success in 2012 and make a list of the techniques that the Obama
      campaign used to increase voter turnout.

    3) Read the "Creepiness Factor" and make a list of how modern campaigns gather data on voters.

       I'll pick these up for a grade, but would like to discuss 'em in class.  Find a video site that is beneficial, share!


11/13/15 Study for the Political Parties Test

    1) Study for the test on Chapter 9!

  11/10/15  Political Parties

    1) Watch the Debate tonight.  Complete the following worksheet with your observations.

    2) Finish the online quiz for the Political Parties Chapter.

    3) Watch the ever cool Crash Course on Political Ideology

  11/06/15  Political Parties

    1) Finish the remaining questions on the chapter 9 study guide.

    2) Research the issue of Affirmative Action. 

    3) Watch the Annenburg video guide and finish the questions on the handout.

  11/4/15  Political Parties

    1) Read Chap. 9 Political Parties and define the following 20 vocab terms. As Nike says, Just Do It. No Excuses.

    2) Complete any remaining test corrections from the prior test.  Times up.     

    3) Answer the first 5 questions on this guide.  Note- just 5 for now!

    4) Come prepared with 5 good reasons for either a pro-life or pro choice stance. Mr. King will judge the debate.

  10/29/15 Test Preparation on Chapters 4, 7 and 8

    1) Ever want to know what to expect on a test?  Complete these questions and see what happens,

        I know it will take you some time to answer these but you may consider it to be time well spent.

    2) Have a great Halloween!

  10/27/15 Public Opinion Voter Participation and Polling

    1) Finish Reading Chapter 8, define all remaining terms and answer the questions at the bottom

        of the worksheet. 

    2) Finish the Annenberg video and answer the questions on your guide.

    3) Try the online quiz for Chapter 8.  Serious fun.  It's hard to believe its free.

    3) Prepare to discuss the Right to Die with Devin.  When are such executions considered murder?

        What danger does euthanasia represent to society?  Examples: spouse murder, inheritance issues versus 

         potential savings in medical costs and pain, etc. 

    4) NYT news briefing can be found here.

    5) Watch the Republican Debate tonight.  Fact Checking for their statements can be found here.
       As we discussed several weeks ago, Trump reached his high water mark. He just slipped to 2nd behind Carson.

  10/22/15Public Opinion and Polling

    1) Read and outline Chapter 7 in your guide book.  Define the vocabulary on page 125.

    2) Take the Chapter 4 Quiz.  You may see it again.

    3)  Read the New York Times News Summary and be ready to discuss Syria with Sarah.

    4) Read the following article and be ready to discuss what the change in Republican management means.

  10/20/15- Public Opinion

    1) Please read Chapter 7. Make sure you define the terms on the handout below.

    2) Please compete the questions on the chapter 7 Quiz.


   10/16/15  Political Culture Wrap up

    1) Please read the NYT article on Gun Control at the following link.  Investigate the links included in the article to

       get a better sense of what laws apply and why the problem is not going to go away.

    2) Read the following  to find out the strange Red State Blue State Origin.

    3) Define the following vocab words from Chapter 4.  I know we are relooping a bit.

  10/12/15 Civil Liberties

    1) Please read Chapter 5 "Civil Liberties" and complete the following guide.

    2) Outline Chapter 5  Civil Liberties to reflect your reading of the chapter.

    3) Complete the Chapter 5 online quiz. (Questions 1-20)

  10/08/15  American Political Culture

    1) I apologize as the assignment did not load correctly to the website.  You are absolved of homework.
         However, we will resume discussion topics so be sure to claim your day and topic.


  10/06/15  American Political Culture

    1) Read Chapter 4 an create an outline.  One way to do this would be to start with an existing

        outline and modify it through highlighting or adding your own notes where needed.

    2) Finish the worksheet which accompanied the Frontline documentary "The Storm"

    3) Finish the Chapter 4 matching assignment.

    4) Nice work on the Test!  The class average was a 90%!  Decide if you want to retest.

  10/02/15  Review for Test

    1) Study for the Test.  It will include test questions on Federalism and the Constitution. 

    2) Read Chapter 4 and answer the quiz questions.  Print out the form or write your answers.

  9/30/15 Federalism (Finished)

    1) Study for the Federalism test.  Its easy if you know the terms and ACTUALLY read the chapter.

    2) To practice, try resources like Quizlet, textbook quizzes, outlines and flashcardsThese are really
        good resources.... PLEASE CHECK THEM OUT!!!!!!!

  9/28/15 Federalism (Almost done)

    1) Watch the following short video and answer the attached questions.

    2) Complete a quick governmental chart  or the Word version which matches faces and names
        of major government leaders.

    3) Find an outline for the Federalism chapter like this which accurately summarizes Federalism concepts.

    4) Research the implications of drug legalization and the resulting state and federal Constitutional conflicts.

  9/24/15  Federalism  (Continued)

    1) Please finish reading Chapter 3 Federalism and outline the Chapter.  Each new paragraph should

       have a heading and a brief description of what was covered in.  A single comment is ok, unless covering

       an important topic.

    2) Please listen to the Crash Course Video #4 for Constitution and answer questions from the handout.

    3) Prepare to discuss Political Party Efficacy with Jordan.


  9/21/15 Federalism (Continued)

    1) Thank you for allowing me to try the colonial ethnicity activity today.  I appreciated your feedback.

    2) Please finish the handout on Federalism (Chapter 3). 

    3) Make sure you sign into the system and explore the resources.  I will be

        checking to make sure you have explored each of the links.  Please make sure you know what's there.

    4) Be ready to go if your topic is next.  

   9/17/15  Federalism

     1) Please read Chapter 3 in your textbook pgs.50-76.  Answer questions 1-6 with thoughtful answers.
        Seriously, give it some creativity.  This is AP, and you have to make up for my inexperience if you want
        to be president one day.

     2)  You received a card with a login code for your textbook.  Go to the site 

         Create your account and investigate each of the resources you have.  Bring in a cool discovery you
         found while exploring that may be useful to your class.  Or skip this and tell your classmates homework
         is for suckers.  Hey, it worked for Bill Gates. 

     3)  My reasons for the lack of a rise in interest rates yesterday: 
         a) slowdowns in China, Brazil, and uncertainty in Europe and the Middle Eastern economies.

         b) Falling energy prices and low commodities prices reduce the risk of inflation this fall. 
         Besides, it is still relatively low at 1.5%, well below the 2.1%-ish percent that throws up red flags.

         c) Employment numbers seem very good at 5.2% unemployment but this is not as strong as it seems.
         Wages have remained flat, indicating employers feel little pressure to find workers and many remain
         outside the workforce.

        d) The dollar continues to strengthen against much of the world's currencies. While its good for USA
        travelers, it will hurt everything from tourism to exports within the United States.

        e) Congress remains deadlocked in a battle of partisan wills.  The Fed is forced to act as the "adult" in
        the room to move the economic needle in a positive way.  Remember Ben's comments on partisanship?
        A leading Republican stated yesterday they were looking for a reason to shut down the US government to        

        demonstrate their opposition to Obama's agenda.  

        f)   If the Fed raised rates and slowed the USA economy, it is hard to "walk it back" afterwards.  However,

        they can always do so later in the year should inflation intensify. 


  9/15/15  Constitutional Structure and Federalism

     1) Read Chapter 1 in your "Fast Track to a 5" guidebook.  Answer the two Free Response

        Questions on page 55.  Give thoughtful answers or that clerk from Kentucky will show

         up at your wedding. 

     2) Outline pages 29-49 in your textbook as we discussed in class.  A short article offering

         advice on outlining can be found here.


  9/11/15 Constitutional Structure and Ben Bernake Meeting

    1) Finish the Constitutional Analysis Handout (pgs. 1-6)

    2) Read Textbook pages 29-49.  Please define each word in BOLD on those pages.

      There will be a quiz on these terms and concepts!

    3) Read the Chapter 2 Materials on Ben Bernake in preparation for the field trip on Thursday. 
        You may browse Chapters 1-4 if you have time, but Chapter 2 is REQUIRED READING!

       Chapter 1                  Chapter 2                     Chapter 3                 Chapter 4

    4) Claim a date and topic to lead at the start of class here...


  9/9/15 Analysis of the Constitution

    1) Read the Constitution and answer questions on pages 2-3  on the Constitutional Analysis Handout.

        If you are clever, finish through page 6 to avoid extra work this weekend.... it will pay a dividend.


  9/4/15- The Constitutional Convention and  the structure of the Constitution.

    1) Analyze the Amendments to the US Constitution and complete the following handout.

    2) Read the following passage of the Federalist Papers and complete the handout.

    3) Get to know the Constitution in your book.  Then answer the questions 1-12 on page 1.


  9/2/15  Wrapping up the Articles of Confederation and compare it to the Constitution

    1) Finish the handout documenting the Amendments in your own words. Answer 1-5.

    2) Read Alexander Hamilton vs. Thomas Jefferson handouts and answer questions.

    3 (Optional... not assigned until the weekend)  Answer questions 1-10 about the

      Articles of Confederation on the following handout.


  8/31/15 Please view the movie "Biography of America" vol. 5 and answer the questions on the

     handout in order.

    Finish  the Articles of Confederation Analysis and have at least 10 sections analyzed for

    potential weaknesses.


  8/27/15 Please read the Background to the Constitutional Convention at the followingsite
Following this reading, try to find the answers to the following questionsabout the Constitution.

    Have a great weekend.


  8/25/15- Welcome to AP US Government with Mr. Vitale.  Your first assignment will be:

  1) Read the Baylor Study on American Beliefs.  It is mostly charts and professor resumes so don't
     worry about the size. The study  can be found here

  2) Return your signed copy of the Syllabus.

  3) Complete the 3 Political Ideology Quizzes on the RESOURCESpage to the left.  Print out your

      finding page for each so we can discuss in class on Thursday.

  4) Ask your parent to fill out the Parent handout survey.  It's fast and may tell us a lot about you too.


AP US Government